Eine zufriedene Privatperson hält das Ergebnis eines erfolgreich durchgeführten Batterie-Quick-Checks für ihr Elektroauto in der Hand.

Unveiling the Power Behind Electric Vehicles: Decoding Capacity and Energy

As electric vehicles (EVs) continue to revolutionize the automotive industry, understanding battery performance will become increasingly important. Two key metrics, capacity and energy, play an important role in determining the range of electric vehicles. This blog post will look at these metrics and examine their importance and impact on the future of electric vehicle technology.

Capacity and energy

Capacity is the amount of charge a battery can store, and it's measured in units such as ampere-hours (Ah) or milliampere-hours (mAh). Analogous to the size of a gas tank, the capacity represents the capacity represents the storage possibility of the battery.

Energy, on the other hand, is the total amount of work a battery can perform and is measured in units such as watt-hours (Wh) or kilowatt-hours (kWh). Imagine it as the total distance a vehicle can theoretically travel on a full tank of gas - the work the battery can accomplish.

Voltage's Role in Energy Calculation

To accurately measure a battery's energy storage capability, it's essential to consider voltage. Energy is the product of capacity and voltage. This relationship highlights the importance of understanding both capacity and voltage when assessing the overall energy potential of a battery.

Analogies to gas tank

Drawing parallels with a gas tank helps simplify these concepts. If capacity is the size of the gas tank, energy is akin to the total distance the vehicle can theoretically cover on a full tank. This analogy makes it easier for individuals to grasp the significance of these metrics in the context of electric vehicles.

Challenges and Battery Quick Check Approach

The growing share of electric vehicles with different battery technologies poses a number of challenges. Battery Quick Check, a leader in battery State of Health (SoH) calculation, has recognized these challenges and is working on innovative solutions to solve them.

Battery Quick Check offers the first reliable workshop test for battery health, because it´s independent of the manufacturer and external factors. The Battery Quick Check gives you clarity about the actual state of health of your electric vehicle's battery. During a short workshop visit, the Battery Quick Check determines the actual SoH value (State of Health) independently of the vehicle manufacturer.
The entire process with battery report is certified by TÜV Rheinland and therefore highly trustworthy. Battery Quick Check promises to overcome the hurdles associated with calculating the residual value and enables the end customer to obtain an assessment of the battery condition. This paves the way for new mobility and the acceptance of electric vehicles.

Understanding battery metrics is key to unlocking the full potential

The importance of electric vehicles continues to grow, so understanding battery metrics is key to unlocking the full potential of these environmentally friendly alternatives. Capacity, energy and energy density are the most important parameters of battery performance. Battery Quick Check offers the possibility to reliably determine the battery State of Health, the key performance indicator of a battery.

This quick overview shall give you a first glimpse of the topics that will be covered in the upcoming blogposts in more detail. Stay tuned!

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